
The Bucks County Speedsters is a group of runners

that meets
twice a week to work on our speed,

strength, stamina, and
overall performance. Our goal

is to improve runners of all
levels. We encourage

anyone interested in running to come
out to one of

our workouts and see for yourself that in our

community everyone is welcomed and with our

guidance and
your hard work, together we will aspire

to make you
faster. We hope that you will lace up

your running
sneakers and meet up with us someday


"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams"

-Henry David Thoreau

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

No Mo Pocono

Just in case you haven’t noticed, I have not mentioned much about my progress with my Pocono marathon training.  The truth is I never really wanted to do this race, but like any good husband I gave into my wife.  Allyson wanted terribly to do this race and talked it up as if all the cool kids were doing it, so I should too.  Now, if you know me peer pressure doesn’t persuade me very well, and I knew for a fact that if I wasn’t interested in doing this race the true cool kids were not doing it.  In any case Allyson sold me on the idea that I was in really good shape and that it’s supposed to be a fast course.  If you do the math Really Good Shape + Fast Course=Personal Best.  Well, after doing the math I decided I would join her at Pocono. 

Everything was going as planned, putting in the mileage, eating better, working on the core; you know the typical stuff we runners do during marathon training.  And then Allyson started getting this pain in her heel that apparently she has been dealing with for quite some time, but just not on this level.  The pain had gotten to the point where she could barely walk.  It turns out that she is suffering from a stress fracture which will side line her for some time, now knowing Allyson it won’t side line her as long as it should…In any case Allyson will not be able to continue training for the Pocono marathon, so I no longer feel obligated to do this race.  I can focus on Broad Street and some 5k’s before I begin my training for the Marine Corps marathon (a marathon I want to run). 

Till we run into each other again…

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