All was going as planned until for reasons unknown to even myself, I went off my original plan which took us off the beaten path literally. Maybe I was prolonging running up and down my least favorite hill multiple times or maybe I planned the entire thing...Most likely the latter isn't entirely true. I'm thinking the return of both Steve and Rod (who had a balloon attached to his buttocks, which was very creepy) on the same night threw me through such a loop that I ended up going the wrong way on the trails during what was suppose to be a one mile warm-up. We ended up doing closer to a two mile warm-up, through sticker bushes, down steep rocky slopes, before making our way to the actual Covered Bridge. During our little adventure I heard whispers of runners jumping ship, along with multiple references of doing other workouts instead of this one. Being most of the negativity was coming from members of the "Orange" team I discounted them. After we all gathered ourselves we did what we originally set out to do, Hill Repeats! We did 4x600 (600) up the Covered Bridge Hill.
Coming out tonight:
Allyson, Charlotte, Dawn, Rod (Happy Birthday!), Steve (Welcome Back!), Jimbo, Kevin, John, Eric, Glenn, Cory, and Brian Gusz (First Timer! Welcome!).
Bowling Reminder:
It's not too late to sign up for the First Annual Speedster Beef & Bowling Bash. BYOB! $25 per person and we're supplying all the food. 8PM-11PM. Going to be a blast, so come on out! Have your money in by Thursday.
Brooks Reminder:
For all you Brooks wearers, remember that if you ever buy from the BrooksRunning.com website go through the Ads or Brooks Icons on our Blog or Web site, if you do the Speedsters get a percentage of your total sales which is a great way to give back to the club. Thanks to Jay and Cory (the only two members that I know that use this) we're very close to getting cut our first $100 Check that we sure could use right now, with the Track Meet coming up fast.
I will see all of you Thursday at Council Rock South for our daily Speed Workout!
I hope that Thurs. will be our weekly speed workout and our daily. I was making a bet with Steve of how long it would be before anybody would be looking for us in the woods being lost. My bet was 3hrs., and that is if we were lucky. I hate running that hill during the WS; but doing it four times. Now I know we are nuts. I need more life insurance. A bee bounced off my nose during the first recovery on the trail.
ReplyDeleteSpeedsters, Maggie and I are vacationing in White River Junction Vermont and while out on a run through Norwich and Hanover New Hampshire, Maggie wound up running with a couple women who invited us to their clubs speed workout tonight at Dartmouth College's track. We went and did mile repeats with a great group of people went to a pizza place near the College and socialized a bit afterwards. So if you ever find yourself in the Hanover, Lebanon New Hampshire or White River Junction Vermont area look them up. Their club is the Upper Valley Running Club and thier web site is uppervalleyrunningclub.org