Back in 1998 when Leonardo DiCaprio helped fool millions into watching a movie that they already knew the ending of, a time when Bill Clinton introduced us all to the phrase "sexual relations," and a little search engine that could, (Google) was founded and being used on a relatively new thing called the internet; all while I was graduating high school and trying to find places to sleep at night.
If you're new to this blog, I grew up with a very abusive father who put me out on the streets after I graduated high school, even though I was an honor student and an athlete. My father sending me on my way at an early age, with no where to go was a lot safer than living with the fear of being hit for something as little as having a funny look on my face. This also helped to make me a better version of myself. I spent most nights living with the Yerkes, but also a good portion living out of my car.
I was granted a partial scholarship for track to attend Rider University, with the promise that I would be given a full scholarship in the Spring (which would include housing) if I could drop my 800 meter time two seconds. Uncertain housing and other life obstacles prevented me from making it long enough at Rider to improve my 800 meter time. After missing too many classes due to my cheap car breaking down, I left Rider University in my rearview.
Fast forward to the year 2013 and that homeless, tough track kid is all grown up and returning to the four year university scene. Tomorrow, I will begin a new chapter in my life as I travel to West Chester University to continue my journey to a degree in education. I've always had a passion for educating others, my hardships and life experiences have only reinforced that passion.
Till we run into each other again...